2023 Community Education Series
This new 6-part End-of-life care series will be led by Doreen Tucker, Registered Nurse and Certified End-of-Life Doula Hosted in collaboration with Full Circle Living and Dying. The location is No Hands Coworking in Auburn, CA
SPACE IS LIMITED. Must Register by emailing Doreen: [email protected] QUESTIONS? Contact Doreen Tucker, (530)305-4435. |
Tuesday, May 9 4-5:30pm Memory Support Strategies and Communication Strategies for People with Dementia
We will continue with our conversation on dementia, specifically Alzheimer's Disease, by focusing on memory support strategies for sufferers and communication strategies for caregivers. Mary Curtain RN will provide us with information that we can have at our fingertips and use when needed. We will gain a deeper understanding of how the mind works and why sufferers behave the way they do. With this knowledge, we will have the ability to create a calmer environment for the person with Alzheimer's as well as their caregivers.
Tuesday, June 6 4-5:30 (1st Tuesday in June) Navigating Emergency Room and Hospital Visits
Meeting Location:
No Hands Coworking
550 High St Suite #107, Auburn, CA 95603
Cost: $10/class Cost: $10 (proceeds go to No Hands Coworking and Full Circle of Living and Dying)
Your reservation is imperative as seating is limited. RSVP/Register by emailing [email protected]
Please RSVP by email.
Blessings, Doreen