Natural Organic Reduction (NOR) Now legal in California!
For more information about Natural Organic Reduction/Composting Human Remains:
2022 Update on Assembly Bill: AB351 was the third CA bill aimed at legalizing human composting. Full Circle of Living and Dying sent a letter in support of AB351. The bill was passed by Senate and Assembly and was signed into law by Governor Newsom. It will go into effect January 2027. ________________________________
History: In May 2020 AB2592 was introduced in California by Assembly member Cristina Garcia. Full Circle of Living and Dying sent a letter in support of AB2592 in 2020. However, after broad bipartisan support, in August 2020 the California State Senate shelved the bill due to pandemic-related budget concerns. Update March 2021: Assembly member Cristina Garcia, District 58, brought forward AB 501, to expand the ecological death care options available in California. If passed, AB 501 will legalize natural organic reduction, in California. Full Circle of Living and Dying has once again submitted a letter of support for AB501.
Update AB501 September 2021: "Unfortunately the Senate Appropriations Committee elected not to move the bill forward this session, likely due to the California governor recall. We are disappointed, and we know that change can take time. We will be bringing legislation forward again next session and will be sure to keep everyone updated as that progresses." - Anna Swenson, Outreach Manager, Recompose