What is the California End of Life Option Act?
The California End of Life Option Act authorizes medical aid in dying. The law allows a mentally capable, terminally ill adult with six months or less to live to request aid-in-dying medication from their doctor for self-administration, if their suffering becomes unbearable, to bring about a peaceful death.
The law, which was signed by Governor Jerry Brown on October 5, 2015, went into effect on June 9, 2016.
The law was passed with a 10-year sunset. If the law is not reauthorized prior to Jan 1, 2026, it will expire.
The law, which was signed by Governor Jerry Brown on October 5, 2015, went into effect on June 9, 2016.
The law was passed with a 10-year sunset. If the law is not reauthorized prior to Jan 1, 2026, it will expire.
It's part of the mission of Full Circle of Living and Dying: To educate and bring to light all End-of-Life options.
Our End-of-Life Doulas offer guidance and support for those with a terminal diagnosis who are considering using California's End-of-Life Option Act. We are available to answer your questions: (530)270-9839
We educate you on your options. You make the choice.
As part of the mission of Full Circle of Living and Dying, we educate and bring to light all End-of-Life options. Our End-of-Life doulas offer guidance and support for those with a terminal diagnosis who are considering using California's End-of-Life Option Act (medical aid in dying, or MAID).
Our EOL doulas have received training from the American Clinicians Academy on Medical Aid in Dying, a course for EOL Doulas and bedside attendants. We offer guidance and assistance in the MAID process. We can help every step of the way. We educate you on your options. You make the choice. Call (916)397-5443. Link to 2023 MAID/VSED presentation video.
California SB 380 approved October 2021:
Major Improvements to the End of Life Option Act by Judy Epstein | Oct 6, 2021
On October 5, Governor Gavin Newsom signed Senate Bill 380. This new law makes some badly needed adjustments to the existing End of Life Option Act in California, which was signed into law exactly 6 years ago on that very date by then Governor Jerry Brown.
These new provisions will become effective on January 1, 2022. Here is what will be different for anyone seeking Medical Aid in Dying in California in less than three months from now.
Major Improvements to the End of Life Option Act by Judy Epstein | Oct 6, 2021
On October 5, Governor Gavin Newsom signed Senate Bill 380. This new law makes some badly needed adjustments to the existing End of Life Option Act in California, which was signed into law exactly 6 years ago on that very date by then Governor Jerry Brown.
These new provisions will become effective on January 1, 2022. Here is what will be different for anyone seeking Medical Aid in Dying in California in less than three months from now.
- The new bill reduces the onerous 15-day waiting period between the required two oral requests, to 48 hours. This is a big change and will help many people access the law who couldn’t previously.
- Healthcare systems and hospices will now have to post their aid-in-dying policies on their websites. This will be extremely helpful in guiding people as to where they choose to receive their healthcare, especially if they are very sick or terminally ill and wish to request medical aid in dying.
- The final attestation form will be completely eliminated. This was a document that the patient was expected to fill out and sign within 48 hours prior to taking aid-in-dying medication.
- If a terminally ill patient requests medical aid in dying and their physician does not wish to participate, the physician will be required to tell the patient they will not support them. AND, the physician must document the request in the patient’s medical record and transfer the patient’s medical records upon request.
- The amendment also clarifies that medical aid in dying medication can be taken within a healthcare facility.
FOR MORE INFORMATION ABOUT California's End-of-Life Option Act or Aid in Dying
ALSO VISIT: END-OF-LIFE CHOICES CALIFORNIA: endoflifechoicesca.org/who-we-are/
American Clinicians Academy on Medical Aid in Dying: www.acamaid.org/
ALSO VISIT: END-OF-LIFE CHOICES CALIFORNIA: endoflifechoicesca.org/who-we-are/
American Clinicians Academy on Medical Aid in Dying: www.acamaid.org/